

How Art Enriches Us: The Connection Between Education and Art

Experiencing things of beauty, such as art and nature, brings a sense of peace to our minds and can also serve as a source of inspiration. In recent years, the importance of creative methodologies such as art and design thinking has also garnered attention in the business world. These examples demonstrate that studying, creating, and appreciating art are meaningful for our culture, society, and well-being. In this talk, we will reexamine the significance of studying art in contemporary society through the different perspectives of artists, educators, and neuroscientists.
(In cooperation with: Institut français de Japan)

Annaïg Chatain (Academic Director, Ecole du Louvre)
Kawamata Tadashi (Artist)
Nakano Nobuko (Neuroscientist / Doctor of Medical Science / Cognitive Scientist / Professor, Higashi Nippon International University / Affiliate Professor, Kyoto University of the Arts)


Speaker’s Profiles

Annaïg Chatain

Annaïg Chatain is an art historian and chief curator of heritage.
She has devoted her career to teaching Art history and training future heritage professionals. At the Institut National du Patrimoine, she coordinated the training of curatorial students from 2015 to 2020. For the past 5 years, she has been the Academic Director of the Ecole du Louvre.
Ever since it was founded in 1882, the École du Louvre has been unique in terms of its location, its pedagogy, and its influence in France and around the world. Its mission is to teach and disseminate a history of arts based on works of art and material evidence from all cultures, past and present. Underpinning its aims is the firm conviction that artistic productions and heritage issues lie at the heart of the needs of our time.

Website: École du Louvre

Kawamata Tadashi

Born in 1953. In 1982, he was selected to be a participating artist in the Venice Biennale. Having since taken part in documenta and international exhibitions, he has achieved high acclaim in Europe and around the world.
Today he is an important artist and indispensable presence within a growing trend in art to value the production process and participation in society and history.

Kawamata’s work transcends the art context and extends to fields such as architecture and city planning, history, sociology, everyday communication, and even medical treatment.

Website: Kawamata Tadashi

Nakano Nobuko

Nobuko Nakano graduated with a B.A. in Applied Chemistry from the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Tokyo in 1998. She completed her Ph.D. in Neuroscience at the Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo, in 2008. In the same year, she began working as a postdoctoral researcher at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). She returned to Japan in 2010 and focused on research and writing. In 2013, she became a Visiting Professor at Higashi Nippon International University and a Visiting Associate Professor at Yokohama City University. In 2015, she was appointed as a Professor at Higashi Nippon International University.

Currently, she is actively engaged in research and writing on the themes of the brain and psychology. She is known for her narrative approach to deciphering the phenomena and
characters that occur in human society from a scientific perspective.


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