ACK Curates
Organized by ACK, “ACK Curates” will otjer programs for all audiences, including an exhibition, talk events, and program for children held in ICC Kyoto.
For Kids
“Seeing” and “Making” workshops will be held at the venue (Japanese only) and bilingual childcare services will be available.
(Advance registration required. Participation in the workshops is free of charge. ACK Ticket is not included)
Bilingual Childcare service
In order to make it possible for all people with small children to be involved in the arts, ACK will provide a childcare service in the anteroom of the New Hall of Kyoto International Conference Center.
Interested parties are asked to read, understand, and agree to the Childcare Use Contract, and apply by Wed. October 23.
The parental guardian’s name on the application form will indicate an agreement with the contract.
Opening Dates and Times:
Wed. October 30 15:00–21:00 / for Exhibitor
Thu. October 31 12:00–18:00 / Preview *by invitation only
Fri. November 1 11:00–19:00 / Open to general public (day 1)
Sat. November 2 11:00–19:00 / Open to general public (day 2)
Sun. November 3 11:00–17:00 / Open to general public (final day)
Advance registration required: No applications will be accepted on the day of the exhibition.
Fee: Free of charge
Ages: 0 to 7 years old
Capacity: Up to 10 people
Bilingual (English) staff available
childcare service operation: Rakuwakai Otowa Hospital
Click here for ACK Childcare Terms of Use.
Click here for Consent Form for Childcare Services (Please bring it with you when you come to the childcare room.)
Click here for the application form.